Saturday, February 27, 2016

Bangkok's cool malls: sucking more watts than entire provinces

It's no secret that it takes  lot of juice to keep places like Emquartier cold even with the thin traffic they have there these days. But it tells you a lot about Thailand today that energy use to keep these fripperies iced down is greater than what is used for some of the kingdom's provinces. Here is a comparison from the site Mekong Commons.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Thai wife tried to turn my Bangkok condo into a farm

My wife in her childhood days
At least she didn't put a rice paddy in the second bathroom. But it all turned out OK in the end and made good use of floor space that is usually wasted in tropical high-rise architecture -- outside decks which are useless for living but really function mainly to create shade. This is not to say we are promoting the idea of "vertical farming" as it is sometimes imagined -- heavy duty ag in interior spaces apparently patterned after, and possibly conceived of, while under the influence. You can see our approach in this short video.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Climate, sinusitis, and the dreaded antimicrobial resistance

Now as the hot humid weather returns I am entering after two months the fifth stage of antibiotic treatment for pneumonia and sinusitis. I fear in my own case this condition is becoming dangerously chronic. The subject of rising microbial resistance in Southeast Asia is both scary and fascinating and should be a new chapter in my pneumonia-book-in-progress -- assuming I have the good luck to live to finish it! The bigger and more important question is whether antimicrobial resistant infection -- the superbug nightmare -- is emerging suddenly and globally in the last few months. How many of your global trevelling friends are currently suffering from a persistent respiratory problem? For my part, about 75 percent! Most to the point, are their daily habits -- diet, alcohol, family living, fitness routines -- adding acutely to the danger?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Carrier pulls the plug

Another sad day in the rust belt last week when Wilfred Carrier's company pulls the plug and decides to move its operations to Mexico. Carrier himself, while not the inventor of air conditioning, worked tirelessly to improve and promote the technology while conscientiously calling for moderation in its use, a message largely forgotten today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bangkok heat, humidity.... and better health?

Everyone commenting about the heat as hot muggy air drowns Bangkok the last couple of days. The cool season now ending. But coincidently or not, my post-pneumonia sinus problems are much alleviated. But symptoms reactivate after sitting below a (probably) dirty air conditioner for a couple of hours. Will have to ask around at the gym whether fellow sufferers having similar experience. Respiratory problems including pneumonia tied to cooler drier weather? New York study over many years says "yes". Thai as always say it's all about "change in weather."

Bangkok heat, humidity.... and better health?

Everyone commenting about the heat as hot muggy air drowns Bangkok the last couple of days. The cool season now ending. But coincidently or not, my post-pneumonia sinus problems are much alleviated. But symptoms reactivate after sitting below a (probably) dirty air conditioner for a couple of hours. Will have to ask around at the gym whether fellow sufferers having similar experience. Respiratory problems including pneumonia tied to cooler drier weather? New York study over many years says "yes". Thai as always say it's all about "change in weather."

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Coolest day of the year

This morning the dawn temperature down to 16 C (61 F) with lovely morning temps in the low 70s. Sky temperature (radiant) at noon is -7 C. Yes, that's right MINUS 7 CENTIGRADE!