Showing posts with label air conditioning and respiratory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label air conditioning and respiratory. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bangkok heat, humidity.... and better health?

Everyone commenting about the heat as hot muggy air drowns Bangkok the last couple of days. The cool season now ending. But coincidently or not, my post-pneumonia sinus problems are much alleviated. But symptoms reactivate after sitting below a (probably) dirty air conditioner for a couple of hours. Will have to ask around at the gym whether fellow sufferers having similar experience. Respiratory problems including pneumonia tied to cooler drier weather? New York study over many years says "yes". Thai as always say it's all about "change in weather."

Bangkok heat, humidity.... and better health?

Everyone commenting about the heat as hot muggy air drowns Bangkok the last couple of days. The cool season now ending. But coincidently or not, my post-pneumonia sinus problems are much alleviated. But symptoms reactivate after sitting below a (probably) dirty air conditioner for a couple of hours. Will have to ask around at the gym whether fellow sufferers having similar experience. Respiratory problems including pneumonia tied to cooler drier weather? New York study over many years says "yes". Thai as always say it's all about "change in weather."